Texas Assault Family Violence
What is Domestic Violence?
Assault family violence - also known simply as domestic violence - is considered a public epidemic that affects families of different ethnic origins, classes, and races. Assault family violence can be a pattern of coercive or assault behaviors which include threats, intimidation, deprivation, stalking, social isolation, sexual assault, psychological abuse, and physical injury.
It is important that you know what constitutes assault family violence. It is NOT due to heredity, sickness, anger or stress, drug or alcohol abuse, and the victim’s behavior. In the US, this is one of the major problems faced by society. This violence is quite significant both to the witnesses and the direct victims. It also encompasses elder abuse and child abuse.
Dealing with Domestic Violence Charges
Texas assault family violence is not a simple matter. You should be aware that it can jeopardize your parental rights forever if not handled well in a timely fashion. Just imagine paying fines as high as $4,000 and 1-10 years in prison! Handling this kind of misdemeanor offense is not as easy as it seems. The police can arrest an abuser as long as there is enough evidence and probable cause. There are even times when the district attorney or police will press the charges even if the family members don’t want to pursue the case anymore. In these situations it's absolutely critical you keep your family from disrepair by speaking to an attorney.
The strict enforcement of laws regarding domestic violence is due to the increasing instances of abuse and arrests. The laws were changed to protect the victims and to prevent future occurrences of abuse.
The first offense will usually entail a fine and imprisonment of about one year. Things can get really complicated if the abuser has been convicted of domestic violence in the past. If this is the case, the person can be charged with 3rd degree felony. If proven guilty, you will be issued a protective order, required to pay fines, and spend 2 to 10 years in prison.
With the "Continuous Violence Against the Family" that was created by the Texas state legislature, any one that repeats the abusive acts within a year (or a rolling twelve month period) can be charged with 3rd degree felony. Even if there was no previous conviction, the victim, together with the district attorney and police may press charges against the abuser.
The courts in Texas may require the abuser to wear GPS to ensure that the person doesn’t go near the places where the victim is present. The cost of using the GPS is also paid by the abuser.
Next Steps..
Handling assault family violence can be easy if you can still address the problems or issues as a family. Seek the help of professionals. If the abused requires undergoing therapy or counseling, this is a great way to prevent future problems. Find a reputed defense lawyer or prosecutor, as the case may be. Know your rights and the law on domestic violence.
Charged with Domestic Violence? Contact George Tyson for a free case review and consultation